Prep version 1.1.0
[rbdr/Flat-Bezel.qsplugin] / Flat Bezel.xcodeproj / project.pbxproj
2023-02-16 Ruben Beltran del RioNew icons + fix version
2023-02-11 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd build files 1.0.0
2023-02-11 Ruben Beltran del RioPort more files to swift
2023-02-10 Ruben Beltran del RioRemove half-swifts
2023-02-09 Ruben Beltran del RioImprove drawing, add padding to bezel
2023-02-08 Ruben Beltran del RioPort BackgroundView to swift, use system darkmode
2023-02-08 Ruben Beltran del RioInitial Commit